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You may or may not be aware, but October is right around the corner, and with that, the annual event of ‘Going Sober For October’ has crept up on us too. Being a student, you’ve probably just pulled through Freshers’ week by now (dependant on when you started) and should’ve overcome that dreaded flu which was cause by consuming your own bodyweight in booze, so why not take the anti-drinking challenge?

In the name of charity, Mac Millan brought about this dry month and they are giving the nation the chance to change and make a difference in 31 days. No matter what your situation, you shouldn’t let this opportunity pass your mind without consideration and here are a few ways in which you can benefit from the sober month as a student…

Helping hand…

First of all and most importantly, going sober for October is a sponsored marathon in order to generate some funds for one of the nation’s biggest charities, Mac Millan cancer support. By chipping in, your sponsors and earned coin can go a long way and with it, Mac Millan help sufferers of cancer, whether they have the disease or are recovering from the affects it has on their lives. Just think what sort of difference it would make if a few pounds from every student in your university village were to be donated? It would equal hundreds and what’s more, if everyone did it over the country, it would be thousands, if not millions.

Re-energised motivation…

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Not only will you be helping a renowned charity, but you’ll be benefiting massively too, as cutting out the weekly binge drinking can have amazing effects on your body. No longer will you feel sluggish and achy like you’ve been lifting a dairy cow about, but you’ll be full of life and hitting the early morning lectures like you should. Just think of waking up on a Friday morning fresh as a daisy, whilst your uni pals all slouch over the desk in that vital lecture. Your grades will hike up, your attitude will be motivated and you will be successful. Here come those top grades and at the end of the year, you can treat yourself to a whopping party with barrel full’s of booze!


It’s time to cash in on those beer filled savings, as going sober in October will make your bank balance ooze health and positive numbers. Save on that weekly £40 alcohol budget and treat yourself to some much needed TLC, whether it was retail therapy, a delicious meal or a night at the cinema, you now have the extra coin to do something other than drink with. The sense of achievement will be invaluable, so take the incentives into consideration and really treat yourself upon the success of your sober ways.

Hangover? Na, you’re alright…

Getting back to the earlier point of motivation and energy, gone will be the aspect of having a dreaded hangover after a night fuelled by booze. There is nothing worse than waking up after a wicked night of partying, only to be greeted by a mouth drier than a flip flop in the desert and a headache that feels like it’s been in the forefront of a rugby match. Your new found, sober ways will wake you up bubblier than ever and along with that, you’ll be able to enjoy your uni days even more. After surpassing an understand in a clear headed lecture, you can then take the time to enjoy the rest of your day rather than crawling back to bed. Your head will be clear and so too will be your opportunity; welcome to a hangover free month.

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