Future Talent Awards

You come home from a full, hard day of lectures, seminars and student struggles and find yourself with an extreme hunger to plough into some good food. So you search the cupboards high and low, pull out all you amazing ingredients and the great student cook off begins. That is until, you’re about to serve up your grub and realise that there is no dining ware left to use.

Now, this can mean one of many things, and it’s either you left your dirty dishes looming somewhere after you were too tired to clean them or that the assertive rota that was set up with post-it notes after someone refused to wash up, didn’t quite work to plan. You’re basically at crisis level five now, so it’s time to raid the draws for a suitable, student alternative and here are some ideas to help…

Boasting depth and durability, you’ll be able to fill these bad boys with anything you want, but keep in mind some meals work better than others. So, stuff like cereals, noodles, rice and pasta are absolutely key, but when you get the balanced meals like potato, meat and veg, it’s not such a good idea.

Mixing Bowl…
Remember that mixing bowl your aunt bought you ready for uni ‘just in case’? Well, that case is now and it’ll make the perfect substitute for a hot dinner holder. Much the same as the sauce pan above, this isn’t an ideal all round alternative, but at least you can tell your family you’ve used it at least once.

Baking Tray…
This one is easier than ever if you happen to be baking some tasty dinner in the oven, as you can whack it straight out and eat away in an instant. Be careful not to burn yourself though, as it’ll be as scolding as the oven and not only that, they do tend to flake pieces of metal now and then (and they don’t make for the best seasoning).

Abodus - Live until 29th Sep 24

Blend your lunch and throw it in a cup; your liquidised meal may not taste the top dollar, but you’re getting that calorie intake and nutrition you need to continue the struggles of the study. Just think of it like this, you can just about get your dinner through a straw and it’s not far off a chunky, savoury milkshake… delish.

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