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I am one of those kinds of people that likes to stay busy and be productive, even if it is during the holidays. Having a few months off uni can make it hard when it comes to going back to uni and getting you mojo back… so here are a few things you can do to stay productive during the summer holidays!

Start a blog
A blog can be beneficial for yourself as well as doing positive things for you when it comes to pitching yourself to others. I like writing a blog because it allows me to write about things I am passionate about. When someone asks “what do you do in your free time” I know my answer and it is something interesting! You can be creative on your own website and all it takes is a bit of time and effort.

Run a home business
If you have a passion for sewing or a hobby of making things, you could sell them online! There are so many platforms for you to start your own online shop… eBay, Etsy or even Big Cartel. By doing this you can make a little bit of money whilst doing something you like!

Another way of making money is by tutoring. Whilst at uni, whatever you are studying, you can tutor people in the first year of your degree or school kids! Just advertise yourself within the local community with a decent starting price and you’re all set.

Volunteer for a charity
Spending a couple of hours a week at a charity and helping them will always look good on your CV. As well as providing you with experience of working voluntarily, it will also enable you to gain new skills. Try a local RSPCA shelter or a charity shop! It could be great fun and you meet new people along the way too.

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Get work experience
This is one of the best things you could do for yourself. Getting experience in the industry you wish to work in after graduating will come in handy when you are applying for jobs. You can get a feel of the environment, what things you’ll be doing in a few years time and make contacts within the field!

Get a part time job! There are so many vacancies for summer positions around at this time of the year. Whilst you could spend a day doing nothing, you could be working and earning money! Who wouldn’t want to be getting some extra income?!