Future Talent Awards

Feeling anxious about looming exams is normal for most of us and, actually, a little anxiety can be good for you. It makes you think and work faster and more efficiently. Symptoms of exam anxiety include:

  • Sleeping troubles.
  • Irritability.
  • Unsettled stomach.
  • Poor appetite/eating habits.
  • Nausea

To keep your anxiety under control before your exams, follow these simple tips…

Revising 24/7 is only going to tire you out and worsen your anxiety symptoms. It’s important you get get far away from your revision spot and have something to eat, drink, and do something fun or relaxing.

Remember to look after your diet and drink enough fluids. It keeps your brain functioning at its best making revision easier!

Before or during exam you might feel like the urge to panic and completely flip out but practice breathing techniques and find ways to relax yourself. And remember, your results don’t define you as a person!

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Create a timetable in which you allocate times each day to revise. Take notes, prioritize units and sections that need the most attention, and give yourself enough time in the day to look after yourself too.

Don’t stay up late desperately trying to learn a whole unit, get a good nights sleep and wake up feeling fresh for a productive revision session. If you revise once a day for enough time in the morning, you have the rest of the day to keep other aspects of your life and well-being in check.