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Private Tutors: It’s not unusual to find students who refuse to talk or ask questions during classroom discussions. These kids often suffer anxiety around coming across as a slow learner in front of their classmates.  

On the other hand, some have no problems following school lessons; however, they lack the self-confidence to speak up. In both instances, private tutoring is a good option to enhance your child’s academic grades, learning skills, and confidence in the classroom. Tutoring sessions also allow your kid to discuss his or her schooling issues without any embarrassment. 

With most people nowadays relying on the internet, education has likewise shifted from formal classroom methods to progressive modern online education. And now, with the fast-changing approach to learning, no student must fall behind. Hence, here are seven reasons to consider finding a tutor:  

Boost Student’s Self-Confidence

A typical tutoring session is either a one-on-one or small group class. Limiting the number of students per session will allow tutors to focus and forge closer relationships with each child. 

Because of this, private tutors can pinpoint the area where the student is struggling and give them tailored support.  Also, kids who have trouble speaking in a large class will find it easy to communicate with a small group of people since there will be less pressure from a large room of classmates. 

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Assist In Prepping For Exams Or Assignments 

It is a fact that studying can be stressful for students of all ages. After attending classes all day, sometimes kids already lack the energy and concentration to study for upcoming tests or to finish their assignments. In enlisting the assistance of a private tutor, students can remain focused and motivated in completing homework.

Having a tutor is also beneficial when it comes to prepping for tests, formal exams, and standardised tests, such as SAT, ACT, A-Levels and O Level Chinese Tuition. They can assist students in specific subjects or modules they have a hard time understanding.  

Tailoring Lessons 

A disadvantage of attending a large class in school is that some students may not be able to follow lessons at the same pace as the other kids.  

Private tutors can help with this issue by tailoring lessons to meet the needs of the individual child. As a result, the tutor also has the ability to provide specific and timely feedback on the child’s strengths, weaknesses, overall performance, and opportunities for development.  

Sharpen Academic Skills

Aside from improving grades, one of the most valuable rewards of enlisting a tutor is that students have the chance to sharpen their wider academic skills. 

Essential capabilities like organisation, advanced critical thinking, and smart study habits are vital qualities every student can take forward to graduation and beyond.  

Promotes Intellectual Independence

When you enrol your child with a tutor, they can help your child to develop independent learning skills. Tutors help kids to establish goals, monitor and evaluate their growth.

Children who learn and study independently will have the skillset to be creative, confident, motivated, and independent in other areas of their lives.  

Address Learning Disability

Kids with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, autism, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can gain substantial benefits from a tutoring program. Mainstream schooling offers opportunities for all children to flourish, while tutoring can help those with additional education needs to harness the specific skills they need.

Fortunately, there are plenty of tutors trained to work with children at all developmental levels. They understand individual needs and use specialist techniques to get the best out of every child. 

Enhance Social Skills

Through tutoring programs, students can enhance their social and communication skills. Kids have the opportunity to create stronger relationships with other students and learn how to adjust their behaviour appropriately, whether inside or outside of school. 

Moreover, tutors will assist students in strengthening their speaking, listening, and questioning abilities.  

How Do You Choose A Tutor?

Private Tuition

Now that you know the benefits of a tutor for your child, the next question is, what are the factors you need to consider in searching for the right tutor? Here are some tips to guide you: 

Ask For References

Request references from any private tutor or tutorial company you’re considering. When you verify the tutor’s capabilities from the testimonials of previous students, parents, or past employers, it’s an excellent way to check their tutorial services’ credibility.  

Validate Qualifications

To address your child’s needs, you should find a tutor that is properly qualified for the role. Therefore, make sure to ask for the qualifications of your chosen tutor.  

Clarify Tutor or Company Background

If your child has any additional needs, or if they are focusing on one subject in particular, check that the tutor or company has specific experience in this area. Doing this will ensure that they will provide your kid with the mentoring he or she needs.  

Schedule Flexibility

Most tutoring sessions happen after school, so make sure to ask if the private tutor is available during your child’s free time. Also, clarify that if ever the need arises, the tutor is willing to extend hours; for example, in case there are topics your kid will need more time to understand. 

Tutor Fee

Before signing any forms, confirm how much the tutor or company will charge for their services. Do they charge you per minute or hour? Clarify if you can pay per visit, weekly, or monthly. If they require a weekly or monthly payment and if you cancel a lesson due to unavoidable circumstances, ask if they’ll allow rescheduling.  


Whether a child is having trouble with their school lessons, requires some extra encouragement and motivation, or if they have important exams coming up, it’s a good idea to consider hiring a private tutor.

A customised learning session in a one-on-one or small group class can encourage students to widen their grasp on core subjects, cultivate smarter study habits, and heighten their love for learning. 

Furthermore, understand that there’s no such thing as a standard approach to learning; every child has distinct needs. Aspects such as grade level, student age, and additional learning needs will influence the kind of tutoring that will suit your child. Therefore, before hiring a private tutor, make sure to discuss the methods used by the tutor, and the ways in your child will benefit.