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Education gives us the knowledge and skills we need to have successful careers and experience intellectual enlightenment. As we grow up, we learn the importance of learning, and most of our student life is spent hard at work. But all work and no play can stress you out to the point that it can start affecting your mental and physical health. Continuously studying and working all the time will burn you out, and you won’t be able to study as effectively anymore. This is why students need to take some time out for themselves to enjoy other things. Having hobbies or other relaxing activities is great for mental health. So, let us discuss some ways students can unwind and remain active without burning themselves out or suffering from any kind of mental illnesses.

Maintain Social Connections 

Not spending enough time with friends and family can affect our mental health. So, a great way to loosen up and take a break from work and studies is to meet your loved ones and spend quality time with them. Spending time with loved ones reduces anxiety, depression, stress, and several other disturbances. It gives you emotional and moral support that keeps you working hard to achieve your goals. If you can’t socialise due to social-distancing rules, you can socialise through digital methods such as video calls, messages, etc.

Take Up A New Hobby 

Your hobbies give you a break from the repetitive schedule of your studies and allow you to focus on things you enjoy. A hobby doesn’t have to be anything super serious. You can take music lessons, learn drawing, or even collect rocks as a hobby. Anything that appeases you and puts your mind at ease while you enjoy yourself doing it is a hobby. But you must be careful to designate a portion of time to these activities, or they can hinder your education.

Exercise Your Body And Mind 

It is hard to stay mentally active when your body doesn’t feel right. If you don’t get enough sleep, food, and exercise, your body’s tiredness will affect your mental activity. So, if you aim to stay active mentally, you have to stay active physically. You can do simple physical activities such as going for a walk, cycling, or dancing. You can also choose some tough workouts such as body training or participating in some sport. Doing these activities will help your mind maintain focus and perform even better. Walking or exercising in the park is specially beneficial, as nature and scenic sights can release stress and calm you down.

Get Enough Sleep 

With the hectic study routine, work hours, and extracurricular activities, it may seem like there aren’t enough hours in a day to do everything. For this reason, students mostly start spending nights trying to get some extra hours to finish their work or enjoy a little. But when you spend the day in constant activity, every minute of sleep becomes more precious. Getting enough sleep is critical to mental health, as it some rest to rejuvenate the mind and body. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can add strain to your brain and cause stress and frustration. This is why it is essential to maintain sleep hygiene. Some basics of sleep hygiene are to sleep and wake up according to a schedule every day. Consume fewer amounts of caffeine and avoid caffeine before bed. It would help if you also tried to avoid taking untimely naps or using your bed for work. All of these practices help in improving the quality of your sleep.

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Understand Mental Illnesses And How To Get Help 

While these tips can help in making you more active, a student can still face mental illnesses. Mental illnesses can be rather challenging. They often become the reason why students struggle academically and even socially. So, having some knowledge about the warning signs and common symptoms of mental illnesses can help resolve the problem quickly. These signs include a change in behaviour, eating patterns, sleeping patterns, and more. Additionally, isolate yourself or engaging in risky activities can also be symptoms. If you notice these changes, then seek help. The first resource in these cases is the student health centre, where they can counsel the student. If the matter accelerates even more, then seek professional help from a therapist or a counsellor.


The purpose of education is to enlighten human beings and make them productive for society. But both objectives are not of much use if the students face too much pressure and don’t grow as an individual. They can only grow if they are mentally active and sound during this process. Paying attention to a student’s mental health is akin to polishing the product you send out into the world. For this reason, all students must take steps to relax and ease themselves for the sake of their physical and mental health and to live a little!