Feeling enthusiasm for any matter is the engine that keeps us motivated, alert, happy, and hopeful for the future. However, when this illusion is lost, our reality is perceived as gloomy and pessimistic. For example, if you can’t find the best essay writing service in a couple of minutes. We do not find the energy to do our daily activities and much less to think about future plans.

How can we recover the illusion? All of us have gone or will go through a similar stage, and there are resources to get out of this gloomy state and recover from the illusion.

Five tips for recovering the illusion

Like many feelings and stages of the human being, the loss of illusion has its own process, and it is necessary to understand that what we are feeling is normal, has an explanation, and has a solution. This section will go through the most efficient ways to regain the illusion.

Express what you feel

A complicated step for some, but very necessary in recovering any grief process, is to express our emotions openly.

People around you will listen to you, whether they be friends or relatives. However, suppose you think that you would prefer not to talk freely with someone close to you. In that case, you can go to a therapist or self-help group, where there will always be people willing to listen to you.

We must not be frightened to voice our feelings. We think that anger, resentment, sadness, or even envy are feelings that we should hide and repress so that no one knows that we feel them, but the opposite is true. If we want to recover the illusion, we must begin by unburdening and learning to express, dominate, and canalise our emotions so that they are not those who dominate us.

Consider what is causing our lack of excitement

In addition to the emotions, there is a rational part that we must find in the middle of all this tangle of sensations that we experience when we have a loss of illusion. This logical element is concerned with locating the source of the problem.

It can be very obvious in some situations: having suffered the death of a loved one, a divorce or breakup, facing an illness, or losing a job. But other circumstances do not jump out so easily and keep us in a state of hopelessness and disillusionment without even knowing what has us like this.

It is time to sit down and think. Make an analysis of our life. If we have practiced the step of talking to someone about what we feel, surely the picture will become clearer about the cause.

These causes can be diverse, such as feeling dissatisfied with our work or an unresolved problem with our family or partner. The daily routine leads us to get up every day and carry out our activities without time to stop and think if what we are living is what we want and if we can change it. Reflecting on this will help us to find what we need to change to get out of the emotional stagnation.

Look for support

These aren’t stages that we have to get through on our own. Extreme self-sufficiency makes us think that we should solve it without the help of others and without them noticing what is happening to us. Some people find it difficult to show their vulnerability in front of their loved ones, but when we have lost our enthusiasm and motivation, we should consider that the support of friends and family will be a powerful tool to regain our enthusiasm.

Talking to a friend or family about how we feel, asking for their understanding and support, going to therapy, or finding a self-help group where people who have gone through the same thing as we meet will eliminate the feeling of loneliness that often overwhelms us when we feel in a gloomy state without motivation.

Asking for support among the people around us is not just for them to listen to us. We can ask them to accompany us to carry out procedures when someone has passed away, find solutions to a job loss, make a move in the case of a divorce, and carry out these activities with the help of someone dear to us. It is a good way to lessen in us the feeling of desolation and disillusionment that is afflicting us.

In this sense, it is necessary to think that if we would be willing to offer support to someone we love and who needs it, surely someone else will do it for us as well.

Find the positive aspects of your life

When we are in a state of sadness, this exercise is more complicated than it seems, but it is necessary to do it.

With pen and paper in hand, make a list of the good things you have today and the accomplishments you were once proud of. There are no more explanations or “buts” after noting a positive aspect.

We must focus on concrete facts. No more “I have my children, but what’s the use if I no longer have my partner.” No, we must focus on what we do have that is positive and that has brought us joy, stability, and illusion.

The objective of this exercise is to “return” our mind to the reality that is full of good and not so good things, and that is full of nuances, so if at this moment we feel that everything is bad, doing a review of the good things will bring us back to reality.

Plan for the future!

When we lose our illusion, the last thing we want to do is think about the future. We lose our sense of purpose and motivation.

Because of this, an important point to regain the illusion is to resume plans and tastes that excited us and raise them again as goals.

While it is true that we must live in the present moment, future goals are frequently a tremendous motivator to get up and work today to get things done tomorrow, so to put back on the table activities that had excited us before is an essential step to regain the illusion.