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Digital nomadism has become a hot topic in recent years, as more people cotton on to the possibilities in a world more connected than ever before. Younger people especially are taking the opportunity to combine work with travel, and enjoy some incredible locations while working digitally. But what careers are best suited for a life on the road?

Career Paths for the Budding Nomad


The digital nomad lifestyle lends itself well to social media; the open road is a photogenic concept, and the way in which you explore the world can be fertile ground for content – whether blog posts, photos, or curated video footage.

‘Influencer’ is only the latest iteration in a long line of digital content careerists, from the early days of web bloggers to the TikTok challenge-takers today. There are also new ways in which you can properly monetise your internet presence, including selling space on your website and taking sponsored brand deals with product placement.

Day Trader

If you find social media to be a bit too much of a circus to form your day-to-day, you could instead grow your income and build a life on the road through engaging with something a little more calculated: the markets. You could take control of your finances and earn through day trading, wherein you buy and sell stocks to make the most of fluctuations in their value.

There is also good money to be made in foreign exchange, or forex, markets – which may suit you better if you plan to travel internationally. Forex traders can convert currency and profit from changes in exchange rates at any time of day since foreign exchange markets are always open somewhere.

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The internet has also given us a new way of interacting with commerce, as ‘one-click’ purchasing and next-day delivery completely change the face of retail. As a digital nomad, you could have a slice of the e-commerce pie – without having to directly invest in stock or storage.

Dropshipping has become an increasingly popular form of side business for people, putting entrepreneurs in touch with wholesalers and manufacturers. Dropshippers handle the storefront and customer service, while the wholesalers handle everything else.

Anything digital!

The above options represent a wide range of ways in which you can forge your own path, as a nomadic freelancer that can choose your own direction, workload, and destiny. It naturally follows that any work you can carry out on a freelance basis can allow you to achieve your work-and-travel dreams.

However, the ubiquity of the internet – and the new ubiquity of online communication and collaboration tech – genuinely opens you up to do practically any job and facilitate the digital nomad lifestyle. Indeed, a growing majority of businesses in the UK are offering positions on a remote and flexible basis, allowing you to benefit from PAYE and private workplace benefits without being required to commute or attend the office.