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Mathematics is woven into the fabric of everyday living, even when it’s not at the forefront of the typical human’s consciousness. From basic things like the cost of transportation to the motorways speed limit, which involves a sophisticated computation of factors, including road design, driver behaviour, and traffic flow, this dynamic discipline is never far away. It is, in reality, the building block for science, engineering, medicine, finance, technology, and modern society, to name a few.

Unfortunately, this subject can be intimidating for students who don’t consider it their strong suit. It’s not uncommon for them to grasp the basics of math concepts, such as addition and subtraction, but once they get into more complex concepts, like word problems, they hit a brick wall. This creates a struggle to keep up with others who are in their element in math classes, causing a major disparity in performance.

Math Solver Apps to the Rescue

One of the reasons kids aren’t able to stay ahead of the curve in math learning is because of their limited exposure to and application of mathematical models in their daily lives. Plus deplorable or non-inclusive problem-solving techniques utilised in the four walls of the classroom have a detrimental influence on comprehending a subject that is closely related to real-world scenarios.

While educators play a crucial role in tackling this challenge, app developers are increasingly making significant contributions to bridging the gap. With a few handy math apps, students can now practice and master all math topics, including geometry, algebra, and number patterns. Before now, they heavily relied on textbooks, notes, and their teachers to solve math problems.

The process, as expected, was tedious. But then, the emergence of math solver apps has been nothing short of a game changer.

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How Do Math Solver Apps Work?

Math solver apps are online or offline software, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP), that enables students to learn math using an entertaining, interactive, and collaborative environment. They help students explore their personalised learning paths to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the subject at their pace.

TutorEva, for example, has a built-in step-by-step explanatory wizard that guides students through the problem-solving process, reducing the need to memorise formulas and steps. They also offer individualised recommendations for practice problems, tips and tactics, and other tools to assist users in mastering a range of problem-solving techniques.

How Does TutorEva Compare to Other Math Solver Apps

This AI-powered math app has many impressive features that other math solver apps don’t have. TutorEva is a learning path with adaptive learning and assessment features. As students go through each exercise, they are guided through a step-by-step sequence that focuses on what they need to learn. It also gives them the chance to practice problems they find difficult, which improves their math skills exponentially.

TutorEva isn’t just any AI app; it is powered by ChatGPT, a proprietary language model that delivers natural, fluid, dialogue-like responses to queries on math problems, whether it be basic algebra, elementary function, analytic geometry, elementary statistics and probability or advanced math word problems. Its one-on-one interaction, virtual avatar, and snap-and-solve feature make learning maths a pleasurable experience.

Testing Question Sets that Demonstrate TutorEva’s Superiority over Other Apps



There are 30 students in your class. Your science teacher chooses 5 students at random to complete a group project. Find the probability that you and your 2 best friends in the science class are chosen to work in the group. Explain how you found your answer.

Here’s how TutorEva answers the question in depth:

Answer: The probability that you and your 2 best friends in the science class are chosen to work in the group is approximately 0.0025

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Make a Plan:

In this question, we need to calculate the probability of selecting you and your 2 best friends from the 30 students in the class.

  1. Solve the Problem:
  2. The total number of ways to choose 5 students from 30 students is:

C5/30 = 30!/5!25! = 142506

  1. The number of ways to choose you and your 2 best friends from 30 students is:

C2/27 = 27!/2!25! = 351

  1. Therefore, the probability of selecting you and your 2 best friends is:

351/142506 = 0.0025

  1. Draw the Conclusion:

The probability that you and your 2 best friends in the science class are chosen to work in the group is approximately 0.0025

Mathway, on the other hand, only offers a two-step solution that includes multiplying 30 by 5 and then by 2, resulting in an incorrect answer. Airmath approaches the problem using the combination rule:

28 C 2 = 378

30 C 5 = 142,508

378/142,508 = 0.0027 = 0.27%

The app solver’s answer is handwritten, which may impair readability and it also lacks sufficient details. Cameramath functions similarly to a search engine; it provides results from other apps. However, it doesn’t explicitly answer the question. Photomath provides step-by-step workings, but instead of 3, there are 7 with no words to explain the procedure. Guathmath requires an in-house tutor to solve the question, which may take some minutes.

Ratio Question


The ratio of the distance between bases on a professional baseball field to the distance between bases on a youth baseball field is 3:2. Bases on a professional baseball field are 90 feet apart. What is the distance between bases on a youth baseball field?

TutorEva provides a straightforward explanation as follows.


The answer is 60 feet

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Make a Plan:

In this question, we need to use the ratio of the distance between bases on a professional baseball field to the distance between bases on a youth baseball field to calculate the distance between bases on a youth baseball field.

  1. Solve the Problem:
  2. The ratio of the distance between bases on a professional baseball field to the distance between bases on a youth baseball field is 3:2.

We can get the equation:

Distance between bases on professional baseball field/Distance between bases on youth baseball field = 3/2

  1. Bases on a professional baseball field are 90 feet apart.

We can get the distance between bases on a professional baseball field to be 90 feet.

  1. By solving the above two equations, we can get:

Distance between bases on youth baseball field = 2/3

  1. Draw the conclusion

The answer is 60 feet.

Mathway answers the question this way: “Nothing further can be done with this topic. Please check the expression entered or try another topic.” Airmath states that there are no matching questions, while Cameramath requires students to upgrade their accounts to view the solution. Similarly, Photomath provides the answer from Expert Solution in 4 steps but requires being on the Plus version to view it. It is also not as detailed as TutorEva. Gauthmath answers the question in two steps without a detailed explanation.

Detailed Analysis and Interpretation of Questions


Joe was asked to memorize a list of 200 vocabulary words, and he was assessed on his memorization of the words over 3 days. On day 1, he remembered all 200 words. On each of the next two days, Joe remembered 10% fewer words than he did the preceding day. How many words did Joe remember on day 3?

  1. A) 160
  2. B) 162
  3. C) 172
  4. D) 180

TutorEva gives extensive step-by-step explanations and shows where the crucial and challenging points are as seen below:

  1. Make a Plan

On day 1, Joe remembered all 200 words. On day 2, he remembered 10% fewer words than he did on day 1. On day 3, he remembered 10% fewer words than he did on day 2. We can use the percentage to calculate the number of words he remembered on day 2 and day 3.

  1. Solve the Problem

On day 2, Joe remembered 90% of the words he remembered on day 1.

90% x 200 = 180

On day 3, Joe remembered 90% of the words he remembered on day 2.

90% x 180 = 162

  1. Draw the Conclusion

The answer is (B) 162

Unlike Tutoreva, Mathway is unable to solve the question. Airmath provides the answer in a handwritten format. Cameramath shows a list of results with no specific answers, while Photomath displays “Wrong Matching Question.” Gauthmath also generates an incorrect result.

Word Question


The surface area of Earth is about 196.9 million square miles. The land area is about 57.5 million square miles, and the rest is water. What is the probability that a meteorite that reaches the surface of Earth will hit land? What is the probability that it will hit the water?

Tutoreva accurately understands the question and provides the right answer in this form:

Step-by-Step Solution

  1. Make a Plan

In this question, we can calculate the probability of hitting land or water by dividing the land area or water area by the total surface area of the Earth

  1. Solve the Problem
  2. What is the probability that a meteorite that reaches the surface of the Earth will hit land?

The probability of hitting land is: 57.5/196.9 = 0.292

  1. What is the probability that it will hit the water?

The probability of hitting the water is: 196.9-57.5/196.9 = 0.708

Mathway is unable to solve the question, while Airmath answers it without further explanation. Cameramath displays a list of results with no straightforward answer. Photomath has no solution to the word problem. Gauthmath, on the other hand, needs an online tutor to solve the problem, which may take several minutes.


Math problem-solving has never been easier with solver applications that give students of all levels an edge in the classroom. Math solver apps like TutorEva provide a structured framework for approaching questions. TutorEva, in particular, provides a superior experience compared to the rest. It clearly and precisely explains every step, which most apps cannot do. This places the intuitive AI tutor in the upper echelon of education apps and makes it a valuable tool for all.