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Being a student means having to juggle multiple responsibilities such as studying, attending classes, completing assignments, and maintaining a clean living space. However, cleaning can often take a backseat in the list of priorities due to time constraints and a busy schedule. To make cleaning easier and more efficient, here are some student cleaning hacks that you can use to keep your living space neat and tidy…

Student Cleaning Hacks

1. Use vinegar for cleaning surfaces

Vinegar is a cheap and effective cleaning solution that can be used to clean a variety of surfaces including countertops, sinks, and floors. Mix equal parts of water and vinegar and use the solution to wipe down surfaces with a cloth or sponge. Vinegar not only disinfects and removes stains but also helps to deodorise the area.

2. Make a DIY cleaning solution for your bathroom

Bathrooms can be one of the toughest areas to clean due to the buildup of grime and mould. However, making a simple cleaning solution can help to get rid of dirt and grime. Mix equal parts of water, vinegar, and dish soap in a spray bottle and use it to clean your bathroom. The dish soap helps to cut through the grime and vinegar disinfects the surfaces.

3. Use a lint roller for dusting

Dusting can be a tedious task, but using a lint roller can make it much easier. Roll the lint roller over surfaces such as lampshades, curtains, and upholstery to quickly remove dust and debris.

4. Clean your microwave with lemon

Microwaves can often become dirty and stained with food debris. A simple solution is to cut a lemon in half and place it in a bowl of water. Microwave the bowl for a few minutes and then wipe down the interior of the microwave with a cloth. The lemon not only removes stains but also leaves a fresh citrus scent.

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5. Use baking soda for cleaning carpets

Carpets can often become stained and dirty, but baking soda can be used to remove stains and odours. Sprinkle baking soda over the stained area and let it sit for a few hours before hoovering it up. The baking soda helps to absorb any moisture and odours, leaving the carpet clean and fresh.

6. Clean your showerhead with vinegar

Showerheads can often become clogged with mineral buildup, but using vinegar can help to remove the buildup. Fill a plastic bag with vinegar and tie it around the showerhead, making sure that the showerhead is fully submerged in the vinegar. Let it sit for a few hours or overnight before removing the bag and running hot water through the showerhead to remove any remaining vinegar.

7. Use a dishwasher for cleaning other items

A dishwasher can be used to clean a variety of items beyond just dishes. Items such as toys, hairbrushes, and even sneakers can be placed in a dishwasher for a quick and easy clean. Make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions before placing items in the dishwasher.

Student Cleaning Hacks Summary

In conclusion, cleaning can often seem like a daunting task for students, but with these cleaning hacks, it can become a quick and easy task. Remember to always read the manufacturer’s instructions before using any cleaning solutions or appliances and to test on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to a larger area. Happy cleaning!

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