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Bored. Huh? Or fed up with online learning without even starting learning? If you’re feeling a complete lack of motivation merely by thinking of taking another online lecture – believe me, you’re not alone!

Nowadays, it seems like technology is ruling the world – With the internet becoming an integral part of our daily lives, everything has shifted online, from businesses to education. However, the shift to online platforms is not without its challenges. And the biggest challenge? Yes, it’s the lack of motivation to learn online all alone, sitting in your room.

A survey conducted in 2020 found that a significant number of undergraduate and graduate students struggled with motivation during online learning. The survey revealed that 76% of undergraduate and 56% of graduate students identified a lack of motivation as their biggest obstacle to remote studying.

But Why do You Feel Unmotivated while Learning Online?

Without the traditional classroom environment and face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers, it can be easy to lose motivation and focus. Online learning offers great flexibility and convenience, but it also requires a great deal of self-discipline and motivation. It can be informal to get distracted by social media, Netflix, household chores, or just the comfort of your own bed.

However, staying motivated and focused can make the most of your online learning experience and achieve your academic goals. Whether you’re a college student, a high school student, or a teenager, staying motivated during online learning can be tough. And if you’re the one who’s not seeing any way to get out of this unmotivated and lazy zone – this blog is for you!

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Top 7 Tips for Staying Motivated During Online Learning

Here are the top seven tips for staying energetic and motivated during online learning:

1.   Think about why you are studying

As a student, it’s important to remember why you are even studying in the first place. Whether you’re seeking a better job, preparing for a new career, or hoping to earn a degree or certification, each course you take is a step closer to achieving your goals.

When studying online, it can be very easy to lose vision of the big picture and become overwhelmed by the day-to-day tasks and assignments. However, you can stay motivated by reminding yourself how each step and lecture contributes to your overall objectives.

So, take a moment to think about all the reasons for enrolling in online learning and the outcomes you hope to achieve.

2.   Set goals

Setting small and realistic goals is important to avoid becoming overwhelmed and discouraged. While it’s great to have big, audacious goals, setting small, attainable ones is key to making progress and staying motivated.

Start by breaking down each class into smaller, achievable tasks, such as completing a reading or writing assignment or preparing for a small quiz. Jot these tasks down on sticky notes and post them in visible locations around your home, particularly your study table.

It’s also essential to focus on your strengths when setting goals and seek assistance with areas that require improvement. By setting practical goals and remaining motivated through incremental achievements, you’ll be well on your way to academic success.

3.   Schedule your learning time

Developing a routine that works for you is important for online learning. You easily become overwhelmed and fall behind in coursework without a schedule. One effective strategy is creating a schedule that includes academic and personal commitments.

Start by breaking down your month into manageable chunks and including all important dates and deadlines. From there, you can create weekly to-do lists and prioritise your tasks. Remember to be realistic with your goals and give yourself enough time to complete each task. Having a schedule in place will help you stay organised, reduce stress, and ultimately achieve success in your online learning journey.

4.   Transform your study area into a motivating space

Online learning offers the luxury of studying from the comfort of your own home, but it’s important to avoid the temptation of lounging on the couch or staying in bed all day. To enhance productivity and maintain focus, consider creating a designated study space that inspires and motivates you.

Start by decluttering your workspace and ensuring adequate lighting to reduce eye strain and headaches. Add personal touches such as pictures or decorations to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Reserve this space solely for studying to help separate it from the rest of your home environment and minimise distractions. Remember, online learning allows you the flexibility to work from anywhere, so don’t hesitate to switch up your surroundings to keep your mind stimulated.

5.   Build connections with your instructors and classmates

Online learning sometimes feels isolating, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Connecting with your classmates and instructors can help you feel engaged, accountable, and supported throughout your coursework.

Take advantage of the various digital tools available to communicate with your peers and instructors, such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and discussion forums. Use these platforms to ask questions, share ideas, and collaborate. Joining online communities or creating study groups on social media can also help build connections and discuss coursework.

6.   Take breaks

Taking regular breaks is crucial to maintaining motivation and productivity when studying. Research shows that short, strategic breaks can refresh your mind and increase focus.

Instead of pushing yourself to study for hours on end, take a 10-15 minute break every 90 minutes. Use this time to do light exercise, stretch, or get fresh air. This will help boost your energy levels and reduce stress.

7.   Treat yourself!

Who doesn’t like treats? – Treats excite almost everyone. When it comes to completing coursework, it’s important to acknowledge your accomplishments along the way. Recognising your progress can help keep you motivated and maintain a positive attitude.

Take time to plan a reward for yourself as you reach certain milestones. Whether it’s treating yourself to a favorite food, indulging in a relaxing activity, or spending time with friends, make sure it’s something that brings you joy and helps you recharge.

The Bottom Line

As you embark on your online learning journey, it’s important to remember that staying motivated is key to your success. From creating an inspiring study space to planning rewards for yourself, there are many ways to keep your spirits high and stay on track.

So, go out there, stay motivated, and achieve your goals!