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It’s a natural and human instinct to judge ourselves and compare our accomplishments, features, and bodies to those of other people. But when that comparison turns into criticism – both from ourselves or others – this is known as body shaming. If you’re like most students, chances are you’ve experienced it in some form or another: maybe in the hallway between classes or on social media platforms.

Body shaming can be both intentional or accidental, but ultimately its effects are damaging for everyone involved. In this blog post we’ll be discussing what exactly body shaming is really about, who it affects the most, why it’s so harmful over time, and how we can strive to reduce its prevalence in our lives. Let’s dive right in!

Definition of Body Shaming

Body shaming is a term that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It refers to the act of criticising or mocking someone’s physical appearance, often with the intent to shame or embarrass them.  It is a form of bullying that can take many different forms, including criticising someone’s weight, body shape, skin colour, height, or age. Body shaming can occur in various settings, including at school, in the workplace, or online. It can also manifest in different ways, such as through name-calling, mocking, or exclusion.

Some examples of body shaming include calling someone “fat” or “skinny,” teasing someone about their height or weight or making derogatory comments about someone’s skin colour. Body shaming can also take the form of subtle, unintentional comments, such as complimenting someone for losing weight, which can reinforce the idea that being thin is more desirable than being healthy or happy.

The Impact of Body Shaming

Body shaming can have a devastating impact on an individual’s mental health and self-esteem. It can lead to feelings of shame, embarrassment, and self-doubt, which can in turn lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Studies have also shown a link between body shaming and eating disorders, as individuals who are shamed for their weight or body shape may turn to unhealthy eating habits or extreme dieting to try to conform to societal beauty standards.

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The long-term impact of body shaming can be particularly damaging, as it can lead to a negative body image that persists into adulthood. This can affect an individual’s relationships, career, and overall well-being. Additionally, body shaming can contribute to a culture of intolerance and discrimination. As it reinforces harmful stereotypes and reinforces the idea that certain body types are more desirable than others.

Types of Body Shaming

Body shaming can take many different forms, and can target various aspects of an individual’s appearance. Some of the most common types of body shaming include:

  1. Fat shaming: Criticising or mocking someone for being overweight or obese.
  2. Thin shaming: Making fun of or shaming someone for being thin or underweight.
  3. Age shaming: Making negative comments about someone’s age, or implying that they are too old or too young to be attractive or desirable.
  4. Height shaming: Mocking someone for being too short or too tall, or making derogatory comments about their height.
  5. Skin colour shaming: Making negative comments about someone’s skin colour or ethnicity, or implying that certain skin tones are more desirable than others.


There are many factors that contribute to the prevalence of body shaming in our society. Some of the most common causes include:

Societal pressure to conform to beauty standards: Let’s be real, society can be pretty brutal when it comes to beauty standards. We’re bombarded with images of airbrushed models on billboards, in ads, and on social media. It’s not uncommon to feel like we’re not measuring up to these impossible standards, whether it’s our weight, our skin, or even the way our hair falls.

But the truth is, beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, colours, and textures. We shouldn’t have to feel ashamed or inferior if we don’t fit a certain mould. It’s time to challenge the idea that there’s only one standard of beauty and embrace the uniqueness that makes us who we are.

 The impact of social media on body image: Body shaming has become a prevalent issue in today’s society, and social media has not helped the situation. In fact, it has intensified it. People are quick to judge others’ appearance and post comments and messages that can be hurtful and damaging. The constant barrage of images of picture-perfect bodies on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok has created an unrealistic expectation of what a “perfect” body should look like.

Instead of celebrating all body types, social media has perpetuated the belief that certain bodies are more desirable than others. As a result, many people are left feeling self-conscious and ashamed of their bodies. It’s time to start using social media to uplift and embrace all body types rather than tearing them down.

How to Deal with Body Shaming

Dealing with body shaming can be challenging, but there are steps individuals can take to protect themselves and combat this harmful behaviour. Some strategies include:

  • Self-love and self-acceptance: Learning to love and accept your body is an essential step in combating body shaming. This involves focusing on your strengths, practising self-care, and rejecting negative self-talk.
  • Seeking support from loved ones and professionals: It’s essential to surround yourself with supportive friends and family members who can provide emotional support and encouragement. Professional therapists or counsellors can also be helpful in developing strategies for coping.
  • Advocating for body positivity and self-love: Speaking out and promoting body positivity can help create a culture of acceptance and inclusivity. This can involve sharing positive messages on social media, supporting organisations that promote body acceptance, and engaging in advocacy and activism to combat harmful beauty standards.

To really make an impact in the fight against body shaming requires collective action. So let’s start by recognising that everybody is beautiful, validating each others’ differences as strengths. Having compassion for ourselves and others in words and deeds, and most importantly speaking out against any form of discrimination or disrespect so that we can work to create a world where all bodies are accepted and celebrated!