Future Talent Awards


  1. Create a Study Schedule: Spread out your preparation over time by prioritising concepts that take you some time to learn and revise. Divide up your tasks so that you get time for other activities in the day, and don’t overburden yourself with work and studies. In short, plan dedicated study sessions for each subject, spreading out your preparation over time.
  1. Active Recall: Summarise key concepts and make little notes to test yourself on the material. Having your foundation clear about concepts will help you avoid rote learning and get your basics cleared so that you can face any question that comes your way.
  1. Use Flashcards: Flashcards can be a great memorising tool; you can condense information onto flashcards for quick and effective review. You can use different fonts and colours for different topics for association.
  1. Practice Problems: One of the most proven ways to ensure that you are familiar with testing patterns and questions is to solve past exam questions or similar problems to get comfortable with the format. This will give you an idea about the difficulty levels and testing format, and also, you will know which questions may or may not be repeated.
  1. Teach Someone: A fun way to learn new concepts is to explain them to a friend or imaginary audience, reinforcing your understanding and giving you the confidence to answer the questions in real life. When you say your answers out loud, it gives you an idea of how much you need to learn and how good you are with your material.
  1. Breaks and Rewards: You should always take short breaks during study sessions and reward yourself after achieving study goals. This will help you freshen up your mind and just help you relax, which is much needed when your mind is occupied by just one thing. You can take a break by using recreational resources like indoor games at your student accommodation!
  1. Visual Aids: Using visual aids like diagrams, charts, and mind maps can help you break down complex information into simpler terms, and it also makes the process more fun if you enjoy using creative tools!
  1. Healthy Lifestyle: Get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise – a healthy body supports a focused mind. Embracing a healthy plays a vital role in your academic success too. You probably feel that brain fog after eating a heavy, unhealthy meal, right? Consider changing those habits, especially during exam season.
  1. Study Groups: Studying alone can get kind of boring and monotonous. That’s where study groups come in handy. Your student accommodation roommate and friends can help by explaining terms in simple language, which can help speed up the learning process. It’s not just about the subjects; it’s about supporting each other and even having some fun too!
  1. Variety in Resources: Staring at the same textbook over and over can be a real drag. Consider mixing things up a bit! For example, imagine you are tackling a challenging biology concept. Instead of just reading about it, you watch an engaging video that brings the subject to life. Or perhaps you’re into literature, and a classic novel feels dense and hard to understand. An audiobook or a lively discussion with someone who loves the material might make that confusing chapter exciting. The point is there are so many ways to learn, and sticking to just one can be limiting. By trying different resources, you can make studying more engaging and enjoyable. Who knows, you might even stumble upon something that makes you see your subjects in a whole new light

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Author’s Bio

Madhura Ballal plays many roles- a cat person, a food lover, an avid marketer, and a postgraduate from the National University of Singapore. You can find her painting and doing yoga, when she’s not playing one of the most critical roles that she has taken on- writing.



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