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Reduce Stress and Anxiety – Anxiety and stress are closely related issues, and a regular occurrence of the former often leads to the latter. Anxiety is characterised by chronic nervousness, worry, and weak brain health. Breathing exercises, particular therapies, and drugs can reduce the burden of stress and anxiety, yet most people suffering from these problems refrain from seeking treatment. Besides having an active lifestyle, lowering caffeine and alcohol intake, and drinking enough fluid, some dietary considerations may make your symptoms less severe.

Here are nine science-backed foods to reduce stress and anxiety.

1.   Brazil Nuts

Besides being a tasty snack, Brazil nuts are rich in selenium and vitamin E, both of which are effective antioxidants known to avert cell damage and mood disorder. Selenium can improve your mood by treating inflammation, which often skyrockets when going through an anxiety attack. Since consuming too much selenium may result in side effects, take four to five Brazil nuts per day at the maximum.

Other than Brazil nuts, soybeans, mushrooms, vegetables, and animal products are also high in selenium.

2.   Eggs

A 2015 study suggests that persons suffering from depression or anxiety had inadequate calcidiol levels. Egg yolks are a good source of calcidiol, a significant byproduct of vitamin D. Eggs are a vital source of complete protein as they contain all the necessary amino acids your body requires for growth.

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They can also help increase your body’s serotonin, a chemical neurotransmitter responsible for regulating your memory, sleep, and mood, besides enhancing brain function. People who are not fond of eggs but still wish to boost their strength and energy can begin an Anavar only cycle that usually lasts for 12 weeks.

3.   Turmeric

Turmeric consists of curcumin, a component known for improving brain health and controlling anxiety disorders. Studies indicate that curcumin enhances the DHA and omega-3 fatty acid in your brain. Curcumin has excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that restrict brain cell damage. It diminishes inflammatory agents, like cytokines, that are associated with stress development.

4.   Yogurt

For people suffering from stress and anxiety, yogurt should be an automatic choice. It contains two major beneficial bacteria: Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus. The healthy bacteria or probiotics in yogurt can address issues related to your mental health. Research has proved that probiotic foodstuff like yogurt can improve brain function and mental health by restraining neurotoxins and free radicals, which can cause damage to the brain’s nerve tissues, leading to anxiety issues. Besides yogurt, other fermented products like sauerkraut and cheese also assist in reducing stress.

5.   Dark Chocolate

Many experiments have associated Dark chocolate with stress reduction. It is rich in polyphenols, flavonoids in particular. A study reported that flavonoids could lower neuroinflammation and brain cell destruction while enhancing blood flow. A 2014 research observed that 1.40 ounces of dark chocolate helped bring down stress in the female participants.

Chocolate contains high levels of tryptophan, which the human body transforms into mood-improving neurotransmitters in the brain, like serotonin. Dark chocolate also contains magnesium, which helps prevent early symptoms of depression.

6.   Fatty Fish

Like mackerel, trout, herring, salmon, and sardines, fatty fishes are rich sources of omega-3, which is associated with improved cognitive functions. Omega-3 rich fishes having alpha-linolenic acid produce two important fatty acids: docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid. Both these acids decrease inflammation, enhance brain function, and effectively control neurotransmitters.

Sardines and salmon are among the few fishes containing vitamin D, which helps prevent anxiety and depression. Experts recommend consuming two servings of these fishes in a week to address stress and anxiety issues.

7.   Green Tea

L-theanine is found in green tea that shows positive impacts on anxiety complications and brain health. This amino acid can stop nerves from getting overexcited and boost your serotonin and dopamine levels, leading to better anxiety management. Studies have found L-theanine to reduce psychological stress responses and lower the stress hormone levels called cortisol in the body.

Green tea also has the antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which improves brain health. EGCG and L-theanine’s presence is the primary reason drinking green tea daily is connected with a better mood.

8.   Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain potassium, which assists in managing blood pressure and electrolyte balance. Consuming potassium-rich food like bananas and pumpkin seeds can lessen symptoms of anxiety.

Pumpkin seeds have high levels of mineral-zinc, which is associated with a positive mental state. Zinc is critical for nerve and brain growth. Zinc is mostly stored in those areas of the brain that are responsible for generating emotions.

9.   Chamomile

Chamomile is a medicinal herb with high antioxidants that control inflammation and reduce the chances of anxiety. The herbal remedy, especially when taken with tea, offers antibacterial and relaxant properties. Studies have found that people suffering from generalised anxiety disorder received notable relief after ingesting chamomile. Another similar experiment observed that taking chamomile for two months led to lesser symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Final Words

Studies on the subject of foods for stress prevention are scarce. Most of the available experiments were conducted in laboratories or on animals, lacking real-life human trials. However, several food items, such as those listed above, can minimise inflammation, improve mood, and promote brain health. However, you also need to complement your diet with proper sleep and physical training.