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So, now that Freshers’ Week is over, it’s time to get into the flow of further education. You might be involved in a committee or a member of a society. Maybe you have friends from across the university and wish to remain in touch with previous acquaintances and family members. The Student Pocket Guide has some quick tips to help you balance your time!

Sleep Well

As a student, having adequate sleep is critical, so aim for an average of 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. To keep a disciplined routine and obtain a better night’s sleep, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Consider your body to be a machine that must be fed and cared for. If you get adequate sleep, you will be able to function at your best. This will allow you to study efficiently, retain knowledge, and meet deadlines.

Look After Your Health

Self-care is essential! Taking time for oneself is crucial for de-stressing re-calibrating your mind. So go for a stroll, do some exercise or meditation, or simply organise your surroundings; we’re sure you’ve heard the expression “tidy home, tidy mind.” These small activities may have a good impact on your week, mood, and capacity to maintain strong connections with others.

Stop Procrastinating

Find your learning style by experimenting with mind maps, lists, visuals, and audio methods. Do what is best for you! Doing this can kick start you to work. Don’t pass up that day in the library for a night out on the town. Find a way to do both! Time management is a powerful tool for combating procrastination.

Excellent Time Management Abilities Are Required For Further Education!

Treat your degree as if it were a full-time job and approach your studies with a “9 to 5” mentality. This will allow you to have some free time to concentrate on yourself, participate in societies, and spend quality time with your friends rather than cramming for a big exam.

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Don’t just jump into your work without having a clear plan. Divide a huge task into smaller ones to make it more manageable. This keeps you from being overloaded with tasks. Make a to-do list or set short-term and long-term goals that are realistic. If anything does not add to your goals, eliminate it, and allocate a little more time when creating your calendar to allow for unforeseen changes or commitments that may emerge. Ticking items off your checklist is rewarding since you will be able to look back and see how far you have progressed!

Complete tasks on time! Only request extensions when necessary; having deadlines pushed back may conflict with other obligations and deadlines, causing more stress than needed.

Downloading productivity apps is a great way to organise your time. This makes studying more enjoyable and allows you to take much-needed breaks. Taking breaks from work will enable you to return to work energised and ready to tackle your next assignment.

Mix Up Your Week

Change up your strategy for each day of the week to make your week more fun. Because you will not be doing the same thing every time, doing things will not feel like a chore.

Leave Time For People You Care About

It is essential to strike a balance between your schoolwork, extracurricular activities, friends, and family. You want to continue those important connections you have and try with them. A good social life aids in further education by supporting and easing any stress you may be experiencing while studying.

Have Study Sessions With Course Mates

Group study sessions are a great opportunity to spend time with friends while also gaining ideas from like-minded individuals. Set goals or study subjects for your group for the session; don’t go off on tangents or become side-tracked, as this contradicts the meeting’s aim. This makes studying more enjoyable and light-hearted!

Don’t Forget To Ask For Help When You Need It 

If you’re having trouble balancing your schedule, remember that student services, your tutor, and lecturers are all available to help. So, if you have any questions, you can drop them an email or pay them a visit. Remember that further education comes with its own set of challenges, so don’t be afraid to seek for help when you need it.

Although everyone is different, we hope you may take something away from this to help you live a stress-free and balanced university life.