Future Talent Awards

Jan is a 17-year-old musician and composer who has been performing as a DJ for the past 2 years. He has absolute mastery of the piano and drums, and his father is Antonio Orozco, a renowned Spanish singer and composer with over 20 years in the music industry. In an exclusive interview, Jan shares insights into his early influences, creative process, and aspirations, offering a glimpse into the passion driving his promising career in electronic music.

Jan Interview | Student Pocket Guide


Jan, thanks for your time! How did you get into producing music at such a young age?

Growing up next to my father. Listening to his music. Being on his tours. And when I was very young, I would put on a lot of music in the car, at home, on the radio and I ended up falling in love with music.

How long have you been working on releasing music under your artist name?

Actually, all my life. I play the piano and drums, and thanks to these two instruments I have learned to create my own melodies.

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I listened to both tracks on your official Spotify and I think they are both amazing! With so many genres of house, EDM, etc., how would you describe the style of music you produce?

I have always liked rap, hip hop and pop, and these have been the genres that I have listened to the most in recent years. However, in recent months I have started to listen to much more electronic music and it has inspired me to start my musical career with this style.

Jan InterviewWhat is the process you follow when starting a new track? Do you have a formula or system that you follow?

When composing my music, I like to start by creating a chord progression, depending on what I want to express in that song, joy, love, sadness or any other emotion, and from there, I create the rhythm of the song. And finally, I structure the song, with verses, choruses, bridges or other components.

Who inspires you?

My father Antonio Orozco is my biggest source of inspiration in music, and then I like many other artists of different styles, such as Hans Zimmer, who studied at the same school I am now in London, or Fred Again.

What are your dreams, where do you imagine yourself in the future?

What I really want to achieve is that when someone listens to my music they feel something. It doesn’t matter what kind of emotion each person feels, because I think that will be up to the listener to determine. I don’t know if I will make electronic music my whole career, but whatever genre I do, I want people who listen to my music to feel emotions when they hear it.

You have already been labeled as “the next Musical Legacy”… Do you feel ready to enter the scene and never leave it until you reach the top?

I trust that it will be so. I’m starting my career and it’s all been amazing for me. I’m really excited.

How do you find the opportunity you have ahead of you and the success you are having so soon, at your age? What do your friends think?

I don’t really think about success. I think success is a consequence and it will be determined by the public getting excited about my songs. My friends love me, and I love them, and I like spending time with them. Both in Barcelona and in London they are something fundamental to me.

Do you have any collaborations planned or artists on your wish list to work with?

Not at the moment, but I’m sure they will come.

I guess you will be traveling a lot soon! Is there anywhere you really want to go?

I like the sea. I like sports. There are endless cities in the world that I would like to go to. In the summers I usually spend a few days in Mallorca, an island with which I have a very special relationship.

Will you be performing at festivals this summer?

Yes, I think so. My management company and my record label The Penthouse Records, are working on it, and they have already told me yes. Soon I will be able to say where. I’m really happy about what’s going to happen in the next few months.

Finally, with such enormous potential, how do you feel about the journey ahead and what can fans expect from you?

After my first two songs, I have been working on many more projects that will be released during the next few months, within the genre of electronic music and house, and which will be 100% of my own composition the vast majority. My goal is that when they listen to my music they get excited, dance, and let themselves be carried away by the rhythm. Living that journey with them is going to be an adventure and I love it.

Jan Interview | Student Pocket Guide