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Now lets be honest, whether its cold and windy or hot and humid, the weather is not a friend to our skin. The cold can make it dry and sensitive, the humidity can make it oily and blemished. There’s just no way we can win right? Wrong! There are a number of different things we can do to get soft skin and feel the healthiest it possibly can.

Washing your face
Obviously you know you need to wash your face to help keep it clean and fresh, but it’s really important to not use regular soap. The skin on your face is a lot more sensitive than on the rest of your body. Most generic soaps remove the natural oils from your skin, drying it out and making it more sensitive and prone to blemishes. I find specific face washes cleanse the face perfectly whilst maintaining all of your skin’s natural good stuff! I’ve found two of the best are; Simple’s Kind to Skin Refreshing Face Wash, and Soap & Glory’s Face Soap & Clarity. Both are great for achieving soft skin!

Au natural
Again this may seem obvious but the less makeup you use, the better. As much as we all love to have those perfectly chiseled cheeks, we also hate having bad skin. Take a look at your daily makeup routine and see if there is any layer you can possibly take out. It could even save you a bit of time in the mornings, bonus!
Whenever possible also try and have a makeup free day. It is good to let your skin breathe every now and again.

Nightly routine
One thing I cannot stress enough is to take your makeup completely off at night! The amount of people I speak to who still sleeps in a full face of make up infuriates me. When you sleep your body is resting and healing. It cannot do this if your pores are blocked by makeup, even if it’s just a little bit of foundation.
One of the best night time routines is to:
– First remove your makeup with a face wipe (if you have sensitive skin opt for a fragrance-free wipe).
– Then cleanse your skin using a cotton pad and micellar water (My favourite is Garnier’s Micellar Cleansing Water).
– If you suffer from spots now is the best time to apply your favourite treatment as it has time to really sink into the skin and fight the spot without being disturbed by things like sweat or the wind. The Body Shop’s Tea Tree Oil works wonders on breakouts and those pesky under-the-skin spots.

Pamper your skin
There are a number of different products available on the high street to help you pamper your skin. If you do suffer from particularly problematic skin, face masks are a really useful tool.
If you’re finding that you’re suffering from break outs exfoliating mask work really well, however, if dry skin and blackheads are your problem you should go for the peel-off masks which leave your skin feeling wonderfully smooth and soft. Biore’s Deep Cleansing Pore Strips are also a great tool for removing blackheads from your nose. They can be a little expensive, but are totally worth it!

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Eat and drink healthily
As boring as vegetables and water are, they are great for getting soft skin. Drinking plenty of water helps to flush all of the bad stuff out of your body and works to leave it looking fabulous. Putting good things into your body will lead to good results!

Remember though, none of these routines or tools will provide an instant fix. You have to give each routine a chance to work. Rome wasn’t build in a day and look how beautiful it is now!

For more tips on clearer skin, click here!