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your week presented by

Corrie Live Show As Albert Square ran a full week of live snippets earlier in the year, finally leading to its penultimate full show at the end of the saga. Not only...

5 Ways To Overcome Homesickness

...of tourist fun in your new home, having some structure to your life will make it easier to overcome your homesickness. Keep Yourself Healthy It’s very tempting that when you’re...

How To Combat Freshers Flu your throat and on your chest, causing hard breathing and excessive coughing, and on some instances, infection. Get rid of it before it doubles your sickness and be sure...

Five Ways To Use Your 5p Bag

...a quick and cheap thrill for you and your creative ways. Simply stock up on all of your favourite carrier bags from your weekly shopping trips at uni and then,...

Technology Updates

There’s been lots going on in the realm of technology during the past week, so we thought we’d give you some updates! Twitter, Apple, Snapchat and Instagram, we’ve got all...

Ash Interview

...out. Within a week we were starting our first demo, so it was all pretty instantaneous when we got together. You released your latest album Kablammo! in late May. It’s...

How To Save Money This Christmas

...friends, as well as your boyfriend/girlfriend and maybe have some cash left to treat yourself this Christmas too! Secret Santa Agree to do secret Santa with your flat mates. Instead...

Is Britain Introverted?

...or “Sugar” (that would fit more into the American cliché), and most likely won´t ask you how your weekend was straight away, they do slowly but steadily warm up to...

University Motivation

...hobbies by sitting in your room watching back to back cat videos on youtube. You have to dare to change out of your pjs and leaving your room as well...

The 1975 Are Back!

Don’t you just love it when your favourite band performs in your city? Last week, thousands of students from DeMontfort University and the University of Leicester were lucky enough to...

Thoughts Of A Third Year

...would and unsurprisingly didn’t. So much regret! Enjoy university, they’re the best years of your life! Throw yourself into everything, give it your all, and if you’re not already, get...